Wednesday, January 29, 2020
How I Reach My Dream Essay Example for Free
How I Reach My Dream Essay As human being, all of us have dreams needs to achieve them. The poor people have dreams and the rich people as well. Dreams are the most amazing thing in the life. We all love to dream to hope and see ourselves going to be better and better each day. However, I know some people may say that dreams are hard to follow and itââ¬â¢s impossible to be real. But thatââ¬â¢s actually not true, because our dreams are in our hands. We are the ones that can control them and makes them real. For me, I was looking up to many things during my life like; learning English, and I am good at it and completing my higher degree. I will show you how I reach my dream and became true. In 2005, when I graduated from high school, I was planning to major in Computer Engineering at King Fahd University or King Faisal University, but my accumulative GPA was not what they are asking for. Therefore, they didnââ¬â¢t accept me. I felt like I had the worst luck ever. After a few days my friend informed me that I have been accepted in College of Technology At Dammam. I was more than happy, because I can get my diploma degree. I studied English language and Math in my first year. I did a great job, so they approve my major as Computer Engineering. But, I was depressed at the beginning because this college didnââ¬â¢t have Bachelor Degree they only have diploma degree. However, having diploma degree is better than nothing. After I graduated from College of Technology At Dammam In 2008, I started looking for a job for about three months. Finally, I had been accepted in Tide Company. The offer told me that I have to work as IT Helper for 8 hours from Saturday to Wednesday. Working in a company as helper is not my dream. However, I have no other choices. So I worked for this company to have experience and to save money as well. I really got a huge experience from coworkers and I used to love my job. Unfortunately, a huge problem occurred between the supervisor and me. The supervisor did not give me a recommendation to raise my salary. However, I was working hard for Tow years and half. I sat at home for more than a month thinking about the old thought and what I suppose to do. Although, my mother doesnââ¬â¢t write and read she said you have to make the right move I asked her HOW? She said you want to become an engineer donââ¬â¢t you? So, why donââ¬â¢t you go to Canada to complete your study? I will be proud of you. I felt like yes this is my chance. I talked with my father about going to Canada to study and he encouraged me to do it. So, he promised me to help me as much as he can. I applied for ELS English Language Center. Then I filled out the VISA application and after two weeks I got the Canadian VISA. I arranged everything to travel and I sold my car. The last day for me in Saudi Arabia with my family was difficult. I hate to say bye to whom I love. In the morning, I went with my family and my colas friends to the airport. My flight was like this from Dammam to Qatar, then from Qatar to Toronto. It was too long; the total duration is 16 hours. Finally, I arrived to Toronto to study English. I studied for one year in Toronto to complete my English program. When I have done my program, I applied for the IELTS Test. After 15 days I got my scare. I did a greet job I got 5 in the IELTS, after that I decided to came to the United State. At the same month I applied for The ISU and I have been accepted and they transfer all my previous credits. The life here in the United State is different, because of the cultural differences between Middle East and western countries. I had many problems, but I am truing to achieve my dreams. In conclusion, dreams are nothing but thoughts and ideas of ones mind, so set your dreams right in front your eyes and work hard for them. There is no doubt you will reach them someday. Basically, what you would like to be actually depends on you in the first place. All you need is a relentless pursuit to achieve your dreams and dont stop until you do. Through sweat, blood and tears, let nothing slow your pursuit. So, I wrote my story to help any hopeless person who belief that life will not end with the first problem.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Moments Of Action :: Expository Essays
There never seems to be an answer to that one moment of action. There are numerous factors that keep the world in a balance every second. If one of these is slightly altered, the stability is broken, the harmony shattered, the world changed. However, the answer one should give to these moments is unclear. Whether those moments are for the better or the worse, only time can tell. As the fourth quarter clock winds down to the final seconds of a crucial game, the quarterback completes a long range pass for the game winning touchdown. At the moment of its occurrence, it is a tempest of action that can determine the future for many of those involved. It is one of those moments without any explanation. The quarterback might have caught attention from a national football league scout. Maybe the touchdown receiver would be heralded as a hero for his team for years to come. It could possibly affect somebody watching the game from the other side of the world, causing them to realize that nothing is impossible. Though these are the results that primarily come to mind, there is a side to the play that is frequently overshadowed. What happened if the star wide receiver got hurt on the play, and it ends up being a career-ending injury? What about the reputation of the losing coach, who could get fired at the end of the season due to that one loss? All these happen in an instant, a second, just a moment of action that creates an impact that doesnââ¬â¢t have a response. As a car passes by, a pedestrian stumbles over his own shoes, and dives headfirst into the path of the charging vehicle. After the dust clears, police handcuff the driver, and the victimââ¬â¢s family is making plans for a funeral. That one moment of action just affected two unfortunate peopleââ¬â¢s families, and possibly even more than that. The driver was going at fairly legal speeds, and he ended up being detained for murder. The man who was killed was the only one supporting his wife and son, yet he is gone and his family is stranded. As the moment passes, one can only imagine what would have gone down IF something else happened. If only the pedestrian had taken an extra second to tie his shoes, he would have lived to see the light of day for another second.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Rpp Rental Power Plants
Rental plants are simple cycle plants and consume marginally more fuel than combined cycle power plants which are normally set up as Pips. Despite the fact that rental contacts are between 3-5 years and not 20 years (as with Pips), rental tariffs are low. When lower tariffs to rental plants are taken into account and a further allowance made for higher fuel costs, the difference is almost equal or marginally higher in case of rental plants. Therefore, it is entirely incorrect to suggest that rental power costs are substantially higher than those of Pips.Other advantages of rental power Rental sponsors have taken a Jump of faith and are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in fast-track development of these rental plants. Sponsors and lenders are uncomfortable that they are being subjected to misplaced, ill-informed media trial sponsored by bad interests who do not want to see power shortages removed on priority and are vocal in their criticism of individuals and companies settin g up rental plants, which have been awarded transparently.Government of Pakistan has no liability to pay for setting up of rental plants, rental plants are paid for electricity delivered to the grid 60 days in arrears, Government of Pakistan takes no responsibility for payment of loans taken by rental sponsors, and rental plants are successfully set up in 6-8 months whereas Pips take 3-4 years. If anyone has better solutions to resolve the power crisis on an urgent basis, they should come forward with concrete proposals for public and private consideration.CONS Impact on fuel demand The rental power plants would increase the Pakistani power sectors furnace oil needs by 29 percent, driving up its import bill and adding to pressure on the rupee and currency reserves. Pakistan requires 35,000 tons a day to feed its thermal power plants and the installation of the Reps will increase demand to 45,000 tons, officials say. The country imports about 80 percent of its oil. It spent $9. 5 bil lion on the import of 10. 6 million tons of petroleum products and 7. 8 million tons of crude oil in the 2008/09 Lully-June) financial year.Impact on net exports Since we import most of our oil needs, and after the implementation of Reps, our demand for oil will increase, this means we will have to import more oil into our country. On a larger scale this act will put a very negative impact on our net exports as more imports will result in greater import-export deficit. Thus, more discomposes More fuel consumption Analysts say that RSI. 80 million a month for generating 51 MM is spent for the Turkish ship producing nuclear power in the port of Karachi.That's mainly because of the later findings that rental power is eating up more fuel than expected, even more than the Independent power producers. This is a bad sign for future rental power projects. Impact on gross domestic product Senior economists, portrayed in May this year, a highly depressing picture of the decline in the product ivity of Pakistanis industrial sector caused mainly by power loading's, asserting that overall loss of industrial production had been as high as RSI 210 billion during 2008 and that accounted for about 2 per cent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GAP).Other disadvantages Many opponents say the mostly second-hand equipment will be less efficient and that the tariff will rise. They argue that the government would be better off spending money on upgrading and using idle existing capacity. Some opponents also say the option is being supported by corrupt politicians hoping for kickbacks. WHO SAID WHAT ABOUT MY PAPER? The Rental Power Plants would significantly enhance the cost of production which will cake survival of the industry more difficult and create more problems for the fragile economy.Business community said the Government should fully protect the national interests before going for the Reps, as the price of electricity produced by them would reportedly go further up by 3 1-45 percent. Said Mongol, President Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry while chairing a meeting here, said, There is no enough gas available in the country to meet the Reps needs. While no arrangements has been made for transporting of the alternative fuel or furnace oil to the Reps, which could plunge this whole project into ruble and waste precious resources, he added.Economists of eminence like Shad Caved Burk (who later wrote articles in newspapers), Sartor Aziza, DRP Kamala Hussein, Aisha Shahs Pasha, DRP Perez Has and Shad Kara were of a unanimous view, at a seminar that a good wheat crop prevented some damage in the agricultural sector, otherwise the loss to the national economy could have risen as high as RSI 400 billion as rice, sugarcane and cotton production fell although varying in the degree of yield. The textile sector suffered the major damage losing RSI 25 billion that adversely affected Pakistanis exports that clines too value of $1 billion.This scenario ha d an overall adverse impact on the balance of trade, which was badly disturbed in view of imports that mounted beyond precedent, weakening the overall performance of the national economy. After reading all these pros and cons, I have come up to a conclusion that the situation emerging envisions that the people cannot wait for multi-purpose dams for irrigation water and power generation because such projects usually take eight to 10 years to complete. Similarly, coal and furnace oil-fired independent power plants unsure two to three years before they are able to produce electricity.Seen in the background of a colossal industrial and agricultural loss, particularly during the year 2008, the only solution we have right now is to ââ¬Å"quick fixâ⬠the gap between demand and supply of electricity and that is by Rental power plants. Even though it might be expensive but I don't see any other way to fulfill rising demand needs. Although the government should work with full priority t o build Pips after filling the gap. And keeping in mind that the demand will keep on exceeding in the coming years.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Capital Asset Pricing Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1616 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Living in challenging and high competition world, most investors aimed to maximize their return of investment. Various approaches and methods used to estimate value of financial instruments. Characteristics such as risk involved, price, cash flows and others were included in order to derive potential value of an instrument. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Capital Asset Pricing Essay Example Pdf" essay for you Create order Volatility of instruments and securities values also affects investors estimation. It is important for investors to choose appropriate approach to estimate the actual value of instruments or securities. Capital asset pricing model, referred as CAPM, is a model that explains relationship between risk and expected return, which is used in pricing securities. Relationship exists in this model serves two vital functions. The function including provide a benchmark rate of return for evaluating possible investments. Other than that, the model helps investors to make an appropriate and sufficient guess for the expected return of securities which are not yet been traded in the marketplace. CAPM has been used widely since its accuracy is deemed acceptable to be applied for pricing securities. 2. ASSUMPTION Several assumptions made in order to use basic version of CAPM. This is to ensure that investors are as alike as possible, with the notable exceptions of initial wealth and risk aversion. Assumptions including: 1. There are many investors, which each of them own relatively small wealth compared with total endowment of all investors. Investors considered as price taker, act as though securities prices unaffected by their trades. This assumption based on perfect competition assumption stated in microeconomics. 2. Investors will plan for one identical holding period. This behavior called as myopic, which it ignores everything that could happen after the end of the single period horizon. 3. Investments are limited to a universe of publicly traded financial assets, such as risk free borrowing and lending arrangements. Assumption also believed to rules out investment for non-traded assets like education, private enterprises, international airport and others. Investors also may b orrow or lend any amount at fixed, risk free rate. 4. Investors will not pay for taxes on returns and no transaction costs on trades in securities. 5. Investors are rational mean-variance optimizers, where the Markowitz portfolio selection model applicable. 6. Investors have the same economic view and analyze securities in the same way. Estimation of probability distribution of future cash flow for available securities is similar. For any set of security prices, investors will derive the same input list fit with Markowitz model. This assumption also referred as homogenous expectations or beliefs. With these six assumptions, we can than come out with some powerful insight of the nature of equilibrium in security markets. In equilibrium; a) The investors will hold a portfolio of risky assets in the market portfolio. The market portfolio includes all traded assets whereby it generally refers to the stocks. b) The market portfolio will be on the efficient frontier and tangent to the optimal capital allocation line (CAL). As a results from this, Capital Market Line (CML) is establish, where the investor holds M (market portfolio) as their optimal risky portfolio. c) The risk premium on the market is depends on degree of investors risk aversion. d) Thus, the risk premium on individual assets will directly proportionate to the market risk premium and beta coefficient. Beta is define as szlig; = Cov (ri rM)s2M and the risk premium of individual securities is 3. MARKET RISK PREMIUM The equilibrium risk premium on the market portfolio, E(r M ) r f, will be proportional to the average degree of risk aversion of the investor population and the risk of the market portfolio. The difference between a rate of return and the risk free rate of return is a risk premium. Risk premiums may be calculated for a particular security, a class of securities, or a market. In the simplified CAPM economy, risk-free investments involve borrowing and lending among investors. Risk-free rate is a rate that someone can earn by leaving money in risk-free assets such as T Bills, money market funds or the banks. Any borrowing position must be offset by the lending position of the creditor. This means that net borrowing and lending across all investors must be zero. The difference in any particular period between the actual rate of return on risky asset and the risk-fee asset is called excess return. Therefore, the risk premium is the expected value of the excess return, and the stan dard deviation of the excess return is an appropriate measure of its risk. The market risk premium is one of the most important but elusive parameters in finance. It is also called as equity premium market premium and risk premium. Market risk premium has three concepts consists of required market risk premium, historical market risk premium and expected market risk premium. Required market risk premium is the incremental return of the diversified portfolio (the market) over the risk free rate (return of treasury bonds) required by an investor. Historical market premium is the historical differential return of the stock market to the treasury bonds while expected market risk premium is the expected differential return of the stock market over the treasury bonds. However, the CAPM assumes that the required market risk premium is equal to the expected market risks premium. The three concepts are different because the historical market risk premium is equal for all investors but the required and the expected market risk premium are different for different investors. 4. RETURN AND RISK FOR INDIVIDUAL SECURITIES The risk premium on individual securities is a function of the individual securitys contribution to the risk of the market portfolio which means that it is a function of the covariance of returns with the assets that make up the market portfolio. (From lectures Note) Risk is consists of systematic risk and unsystematic risk. The risk of a portfolio is comprises with systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Commonly, the risk of all securities is systematic risk. And systematic risk cannot be diversified. On the other hand, unsystematic risk is the risk associated with individual assets and it can be diversified. Therefore, as a rational investor should not take any diversifiable risk, as only non-diversifiable risks are rewarded within the scope of this model. Therefore, the required rate of return on an asset, that is, the return that compensates for risk taken, must be linked to its riskiness in a portfolio context. Thus, in the CAPM context, the beta of the portfolio is defi ning the factor in rewarding the systematic exposure taken by an investor. 5. THE SECURITY MARKET LINE (SML) Security Market Line (SML) is a expected return-beta relationships graph. This is because the markets beta is 1, the slope is the risk premium of the market portfolio such as the figure shown in figure1. Equation for calculating SML: Slope of SML = E (rM ) r f SML = r fà + szlig;[E (rM ) r f] Mostly, SML use to compare with Capital Market Line (CML). This is because CML graphs show the valid measure of risk premiums of efficiency of the diversify portfolios that the investors overall portfolio. On the other hand, SML graphs show the individual asset risk premium as a function of asset risk. Thus, SML is valid for efficient portfolios and individual assets. The SML provides the following information: 1) Benchmark for evaluation of investment performance 2) Required rate of return Therefore, their expected returns are commensurate with their risk. If a stock is underpriced, so it will plot above of the SML: Given their betas, their expected returns are greater than dictated by the CAPM, and vice versa. 6. INDEX MODEL AND REALIZE RETURNS From the beginning we know that CAPM analysis is only results in expected return of the securities. However, in the real life practice, everyone can easily observe directly its realize returns compare to expected returns. By simplifying the model, the single-index model of CAPM is form as Ri = ai + szlig;iRM + ei While; Ri = return of the stocks ai = return due to macroeconomic and microeconomic events szlig;iRM = market stock returns modified by Beta ei = non-systematic risks By the definition, the firm non-systematic components is independent of market thus the Cov(RM, ei) = 0. With this the covariance of the excess rate of return on security I with market index is Cov (Ri, RM) = Cov(szlig;iRM + ei, RM) =szlig;iCov(RM, RM) + Cov(ei, RM) =szlig;is2M We can see that, a is drop from the covariance because ai is constant, thus have zero covariance for all variables. Since Cov (Ri, RM) = szlig;is2M , the sensitivity coefficient, szlig;i equals At the e nd, the index model of beta coefficient turns out to be the same as beta of the CAPM expected return-beta relationship. 7. CAPM AND REAL LIFE PRACTICAL When the CAPM is valid, than the single-index model which includes all traded securities also would be valid as well. Thus the all alpha values in risk premium would be identically zero. However in market, if all alpha is zero, there would be no incentive for analyst to analyse the security. So, the market equilibrium will be only near to the proper values, which the alpha is nearly zero values but with some differences. It is to induce and motivate the analyst to continue their effort to analyse the securities. Moreover, CAPM is the best available model to explain the rate of return on the securities portfolio, which means that one should take security alpha as zero. If the securities are misprice the alpha will be non-zero. Alpha is positive when the securities are underpriced and alpha is negative when securities are overpriced. After all analysis, the investors will select the best investment by assumption of all the alpha would be zero values.
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